So all you need to remember is a web address and not the ever changing IP address.
The have a service that runs on your computer that will automatically update the dns address with your IP address. If you do not have a static IP address from your ISP and you want to access this from the internet, you'll have to forward port 80 on your router to the IP address of you mini. A quick google search will show you the directions. If you want to use php, its already loaded, it just needs to be enabled for apache. To put a website up at the machine level, where you don't want to use a username, the documents go in the /Library/WebServer/Documents directory. Did you get a new Mac mini for Christmas Or picked up a second hand Mac One of the best uses for a Mac mini (or any other Mac) is to run it in headless mode as a media server and file share server. It can be accessed at the address http:/ / your_IP_address/ ~usernameĮach person that has an account on the mini can have their own website, just change the username in the address. Once enabled, put your website in the Sites folder in your home drive. Look in the System Preferences under Sharing, its called Web Hosting. OSX does come with a version of Apache already installed, its just a little older than the current releases.